junkImade is some useless stuff I make. Small demos, experiments, subproducts of ActionScript learning. Showcase of my skills. Random crap like XML based gallery, SQL based gallery, gallery with thumbnails, SQL based gallery with XML descriptions and cool mouse over effect, etc.
wordFishEye is sth like tagCloud but in 3d and without tags ;] It grabs top 50 fav artists from given Last.fm profile.
If you don’t have Last.fm account just click textfield and press enter – it’ll use my login.
Red bar is mode(list, spindle, warp, ball, wormhole).
Blue controls focal.
Green is radius.
Orange? is words scale.
Circles are presets so you don’t have to play with bars on your own – how kind of me ;]
Hold mouse to speed up rotation.
Press letter to filter artists by… first letter(enter clears).
Double click to search artist on YouTube (pretty much useless).
wordFishEye <-- click here for live demo
If anybody is interested i’ll clean up and post code for scroolbars.