This is some old project. First or second made with Flickr API, ported from AS2 to AS3 because it wasn’t so smooth there. It’s useless but I learned a lot from it and I’m somehow happy with result(which is rare).
You can drag balls with mouse.
Double click show 5 photos of chosen contact.
play with flickrBoing (you can use my login for quick run)
As I said making this was equal to learning. Where’s learning there are bugs. And bugs in programming means: a) catastrophe b) funnn!
At very beginning of project things weren’t working as I thought the would, which resulted in the “orbits” mutation. Double click promote ball to higher orbit which, with small invention on our side, gives possibility to create some structures.
You know how it goes: 99 bugs in my code. I fixed one bug! … 101 bugs in my code… Well fixing mutation can produce, well other mutation. Bug in gravitation code on the other hand can produce… consciousness? In flickrBoing_predators double clicked balls acts like they have some AI behind them. They try to catch and keep normal-flock balls. Produce few of them – they will fight for food ;]
To get crossdomain (FP9+ I guess) you need to manually load files for each farm: